Digital – The WHY and HOW?

It is true that most of what we write about and share aims to convince you “why” you should invest in your website and digital marketing strategy.

We tell you why your website, needs to be visible to your target audience; why it should be designed and built with your users and search engines front of mind.  We tell you why your page titles, Meta descriptions and headers are important, why your pages need to use structured data to enhance your listing.

We describe why off page factors are important, why, who links to you matters. Why how many links to you is important, and why and how these links promote your trust and authority. We tell you why you can’t take short cuts; why cloaking won’t work, or why buying links or spamming risks your reputation.

We impress on you why you need to invest in search engine optimisation, pay per click, retargeting and social media advertising. Why your website should be responsive and mobile friendly.

Then for conversion performance amongst other things, why the content you develop needs to be high quality, unique, well researched, keyword rich as well as being fresh and well written.

We emphasise the importance of authorship and why others sharing your content in social networks contributes to your reputation

On top of all this, we tell you why you need to carefully plan and set realistic and attainable goals.

Then why you need to measure your performance, track key metrics and analyse how to continuously adjust and improve.

Together and sometimes singularly, the reasons why you would do these things and invest in your digital marketing strategy provide an open and shut case.

The compelling evidence and overwhelming benefits a well executed digital strategy can yield are well documented. Who wouldn’t want to?

  • Create new and rich customer experiences
  • Improve customer retention
  • Enable greater reach
  • Increase new customer acquisition

If we render  it down further,  and try and identify just one reason why a well thought out investment in digital delivery is necessary, it would simply come down to this.

It is what your customers want, expect and demand, and if you don’t meet this demand someone else will.

Hopefully you agree with me then, that as customers are the lifeblood of all businesses.  The undeniable benefits, and an abundance of reasons WHY you need to focus your attention on your digital delivery is clear.

So all we need to do now, is answer HOW is the best way to achieve the optimal digital outcomes for your business?

Given the breadth and complexity of the different digital disciplines, there are multiple ways to adequately resource and deliver the optimum solution for each individual business.

Part 2 in this series discusses the HOW. It explores the options and the merits of different approaches to deliver a digital marketing strategy that maximises the benefits and best return on investment for your business.

Stuart Clark
